APM is a single-person consultancy company offering safety solutions for industrial aerosols. Main expertise is in particle measurements, process specific emission and exposure assessment, process specific risk assessment and management, and aerosol modelings. APM provide effective safety
dissemination by using novel concepts that are easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply for industrial safety decision making. Other expert areas are chemical safety regulations, designing nanoparticle exposure systems for in vivo/in vitro experiments, aerosol instrument testing and development,
emission controls, personal protective equipment, Indoor/Outdoor measurements, and implementation of safe working practices.
Design and participate in industrial aerosol measurements that are used to assess emission and exposure determinants by using tailored mass balance models. Process optimization according to impact on indoor air quality, environmental emissions, production rate, and other parameters such as
e.g. energy use. Develop safety guidance and good working practices. Participate in selection of best production techniques.