Colorobbia Consulting S.r.l. is the services company of Gruppo Colorobbia that is one of the biggest producers of chemicals for ceramics in the world. Ce.Ri.Col, the advanced research department of Colorobbia has been established in 1999 with two main research lines, nanomaterial synthesis and nano-based product development and special nanostructured glass and glass-ceramics. The principal skill is in the development of products and application techniques for smart nanocoatings. The main research areas of Cericol-Colorobbia Consulting include: nanomaterial synthesis and scale-up, production of nano based products for smart surfaces, glass ceramic and special glass production. Nanobiomaterials and ceramic for drug delivery and prosthesis. Development of innovative application techniques.
The competences of the group include colloidal chemistry, surface characterization, inorganic synthesis, glass and glass ceramic development and characterization, materials characterization and test on photo catalytic surfaces.
- Synthesis of smart coatings for antimicrobial purpose