Warrant Hub S.p.A.

Warrant Hub ASINA project partner

Warrant Hub SpA is consultancy services company that provides full-spectrum consulting in business finance. Warrant Hub SpA has been active since 1995, growing over the years to become a leader in its sector today. WG Business Units work in synergy with its Innovation Lab to give their clients the best support tools for the success of their business initiatives and to assist them in the preparation and management of strategic projects: business projects, research projects, training and technology transfer activities, under National and International support frameworks.

The European Funding Development (EFD) team provides consultancy, training and support on European Funding opportunities, and in the preparation, negotiation and management of European Proposals, particularly on H2020 calls. EFD offers also support for communication and dissemination activities, and participates to and organizes sectional seminars and networking events with/for industrial associations, SME, policy makers, etc. thus having the opportunity to disseminate the project results to all groups of relevant audiences.

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WP6 Leader: Communication and Exploitation

Task 6.1 Leader: Develop and validate the Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results

Task 6.2 Leader: Dissemination and Communication tools and activities

WP5: Contributes to general roadmap

WP7: Participates to the project coordination & management