11 March 2024
ASINA was featured in the report of the 1st WPMN Workshop on NanoCarriers. This workshop aimed to discuss NanoCarriers used in different applications (cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and agriculture) and to use the OECD’s Early Awareness and Action System for Advanced Materials (Early4AdMa) to identify knowledge gaps and signals of possible concerns, regarding both their safety and sustainability. The OECD Workshop on NanoCarriers was organized by the German Environment Agency (UBA), the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and with support of the EU H2020 project ASINA.
It was held online on 14 and 15 June 2023. There were 83 participants representing 20 OECD delegations, including Member Countries, and observers from South Africa and Thailand, Industry, animal welfare organisations such as ICAPO and invited experts from the EU Projects ASINA and SUNSHINE. The workshop thus benefited from a good mix of governmental representatives, including regulators and policymakers, as well as experts with diverse backgrounds from industry and academia. In the report, Project Coordinator Anna Luisa Costa presentation was described as an example of NanoCarrier use in cosmetics, highlighting the link between the design variable and the performance attribute as the key issue facing safe by design (SbD).
Click HERE to download and read the full report.
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