11 July 2022
The coordinator of ASINA was invited at the joint SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication, held between July 5 and 7 2022, at INL, Braga, Portugal. ASINA project had already engaged a collaboration with SUSNANOFAB project and its roadmapping team that would like to include ASINA methodology within the repository of best practices that SUSNANOFAB is collecting and reviewing. The first day Anna Costa introduced ASINA methodology and case studies selected for its implementation, during the session addressing hot topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing. She also took actively part to the co-creation session to assess the impact of the proposed actions and stimulate implementation ideas within the “SUSNANOFAB Roadmap for an EU wide strategy on nanofabrication. A very interesting guided tour of ILN laboratories followed and allowed her to verify how INL facilities could be used in ASINA, through the participation to the infrastructures NFFA and ASCENT+. Finally, the day 2 she took part at the Brokerage Sessions to explore potential business and technological collaboration opportunities in the nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing ecosystem, meeting and exchanging idea with stakeholders from industry and policy.
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