23 July 2021 | h 10:00 – 11:30
The EU funded project titled Anticipating Safety Issues at the Design Stage of NAno Product Development (ASINA) sets as goal the Safe-by-Design concept (SbD) in the field of nano-enabled products (NEP). Engineered nanomaterials (NMs) allow to obtain many advantages in different industrial sectors, however, they are seen as a matter of concern due to lack of culture and to the fast technological evolution in this field. ASINA projects aims to develop Safe-by-Design solutions and supporting tools for different stakeholders (industry, scientists, regulators) useful to improve the knowledge on nanotechnologies in terms of production technologies, safety, environmental sustainability, cost effectiveness and regulatory requirements. This first webinar has been though to provide a state of the art on nanotechnologies and on the Safe-by-Design approach developed in ASINA project in order to help the development and the diffusion of engineered nanomaterials in daily life consumer products. From this starting point the general path of ASINA project will be showed, focusing on the key points that are going to be considered and evaluated in order to reach the goal.
Speaker: Anna Luisa Costa – Project Coordinator
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